Organic SEO Marketing for Health Nutrition Brands


4 ways creating natural content is like selling organic products

As Health Nutrition marketers we don’t often consider the difference between SEO and organic SEO, but it’s important to remember they are not the same thing. Basic SEO is about manipulating content to ensure that search engines can read it. Organic SEO is about writing quality, targeted content to ensure that the right people read it. It’s like comparing brand name tomatoes to the organic varieties. They share similarities, but the natural approach always results in a more satisfying product. Here are 4 reasons the same is true for organic SEO:

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Health Nutrition Brands Can Spend Less on Paid Media Marketing

4 reasons why earned media is a cost-effective alternative

Earned Media may not be a term that you’re familiar with, but if your health nutrition brand has generated social media followers or positive social mentions, then it is already working for you. Unlike Owned Media, such as your website or blog, or Paid Media, such as Facebook ads, Earned Media is an organic, constantly evolving discussion between customers about their experience with your brand. In short, earned media reflects the reputation you have earned in your market.

Here are 4 reasons why earned media deserves more of your attention:

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Marketing Health and Nutrition to Healthcare Professionals

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5 steps to sampling your product like a pharma brand

Providing free samples to healthcare professionals is the single most effective marketing tactic of pharmaceutical brands, and they spend billions annually to do it. So, lately I’ve been wondering why more non-prescription health and wellness brands don’t employ the same practices. After all, nutritionists, dieticians and other alternative healthcare providers would be thrilled to offer samples of quality products to their clients, and unlike pharmaceutical brands, there are no legal limitations to how and how often health and wellness brands can sample. Continue reading

Marketing Your Health and Nutrition Brand Against Private Labels

Tomato RED

3 ways to differentiate in an increasingly competitive landscape

Tell your story
Customers who buy health food and supplements, particularly those who buy organic, are interested in knowing who is making their products. If you are a small company, chances are you have a much more authentic story to tell than large retailers who buy from many different sources. Are you based on a family farm? Did you start on a shoestring budget with one mission in mind? Is your product named after your Grandmother? When you tell your story, you connect with your customers. And that’s something big box brands just can’t do. Continue reading

Marketing Your Health and Nutrition Brand with Personality

Use your brand personality checklist to strengthen your social presence

Like people, all brands have a personality. Even if you have not purposely set out to create a personality, your brand will develop one over time. Smart marketers take the time to hone that personality in order to target the right customer base and create a stronger social presence. Continue reading

Creating Your Health Nutrition Brand Personality

Done and not done

4 ways to define the social side of your brand

It’s more important than ever for your health nutrition brand to be engaging in all media. The starting place, of course, is to have one, integrated marketing message that you can evolve in a million directions. But, once you’ve accomplished that, you’ve got to have a strategy for carrying that message into the social realm in an authentic way. The key is having a strong brand personality.

Your brand personality is a set of human-like qualities your customers can relate to. Like a friend, people will become attached to your brand because of its purpose, its values and the way it interacts with its community. Is your brand quirky? Is it funky? Does it represent athletes or a certain lifestyle or belief system? If so, people who are attracted to those qualities will adopt your brand and become its ambassadors.

Here are some ways to find your brand personality and start being a brand people can’t stop talking about: Continue reading

Marketing Health Nutrition with Viral Videos

4 ways to create share-worth videos

We all love watching videos online, but what is it that captures our attention and makes us want to watch them all the way through? Personally, I have a short attention span and not a lot of time. I can’t sit through long videos or wait for the action. I prefer short videos that make me laugh or play off of a specific emotion. I believe a video worth sharing is one that has a point of view and gets to the point quickly.

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Making a Good First Impression in Health Nutrition Marketing

Some helpful tips to make your brand stand out and reach your target market

With my experience in Health Nutrition Marketing, I can’t stress enough how important it is to create that successful brand “look” that people associate with your product or service using all marketing channels-—advertising, promotion, direct marketing, video, public relations, Websites, online marketing, and social media. Continue reading