Building Brand Trust with Health Nutrition Marketing


4 ways to gain the confidence of nutritional supplement customers

Recent surveys report that nearly half of American adults regularly use dietary supplements to support or improve their health or to maximize their athletic performances. Supplements can be made from plants, algae, seafood, yeasts, fungus, and many other food substances or extracts, which may explain why consumers rarely know exactly what they are getting.

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Social Media Platforms for Health Nutrition Marketing

A comprehensive cheat sheet for extending your social network

Social media provides Health Nutrition marketers a unique opportunity to interact with customers in a more authentic way than traditional advertising allows. Unfortunately, there are so many social media platforms to choose from that it can be difficult to know how to get started, which platforms are critical, and which ones aren’t worth the time or investment.

As a Heath Nutrition Marketing and Social Media Expert, I believe in keeping it simple from the start. You can always add platforms once you’ve solidified your overall strategy, but if you start by creating too many consumer touchpoints, you won’t manage any of them well.

The best place to start is by understanding the function and uses of social media tools. So here is the Jessica Clay cheat sheet for building a social media strategy: Continue reading