Marketing Health Nutrition Products to Moms

graffiti johnson service center moms

4 ways moms use social media, and why you should care

Moms are constantly seeking advice and comparing their choices to those of other moms. Social Media provides the perfect platform for them to exchange this type of information. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter or any of the hundreds of other new social sites out there, moms are connecting at record rates.

80% of moms access social media sites to make their buying decisions. 70% of women make the healthcare decisions for their families. Combine those statistics, and it’s clear why Health Nutrition marketers should be targeting moms through social media.

Here are the 4 things you should know about what moms are doing online: Continue reading

Marketing Health and Nutrition to Healthcare Professionals

Embassy of Serbia Food

5 steps to sampling your product like a pharma brand

Providing free samples to healthcare professionals is the single most effective marketing tactic of pharmaceutical brands, and they spend billions annually to do it. So, lately I’ve been wondering why more non-prescription health and wellness brands don’t employ the same practices. After all, nutritionists, dieticians and other alternative healthcare providers would be thrilled to offer samples of quality products to their clients, and unlike pharmaceutical brands, there are no legal limitations to how and how often health and wellness brands can sample. Continue reading

Anti-Aging Offers Opportunity for Marketing Health and Nutrition



3 ways the aging boom can energize your brand

With 10,000 people turning 65 every day in the United States, demand for anti-aging products has nowhere to go but up. Most baby boomers believe that with the right products they can and will stay perpetually young, so even if you don’t solely market your health nutrition brand as an anti-aging solution, you would be missing an opportunity by ignoring this messaging completely. Let’s look at some of the ways in which anti-aging messaging can benefit your health nutrition brand: Continue reading

Marketing Your Health and Nutrition Brand with Personality

Use your brand personality checklist to strengthen your social presence

Like people, all brands have a personality. Even if you have not purposely set out to create a personality, your brand will develop one over time. Smart marketers take the time to hone that personality in order to target the right customer base and create a stronger social presence. Continue reading

Continued Changes in Marketing Health Nutrition

A new sports drink may prove that ingredients still matter

For some time now, it seems the sports drink industry has been losing its focus on health. The main reason for this, of course, is that even sports drinks as popular and well-known as Gatorade have found themselves marketing to the “casual consumer” more often than the athletes they originally set out to satisfy. Continue reading